“When thinking in words, even subliminally, we are logical and think in familiar patterns, in categories that we have thought, dreamed, read, heard, or said sometime before. Learning to think in patterns of relationships, in sensations divorced from the fixity of words, allows us to find hidden resources and the ability to make new patterns, to carry over patterns of relationship from one discipline to another. In short, we think personally, originally, and thus take another route to the thing we already know.” Moshe Feldenkrais, From the “Elusive Obvious”, Chapter: “On Learning”
How does your body guide you in your life?
What new embodiment will transform you?
How do you know what matters to you?
Your body, Your image:
What will a coaching session be like?
I am here to facilitate you to connect to your body, notice sensation, and offer somatic practices so that you can create a practice that holds the space for you to embody your commitment.
What influences the work?
My personal healing journey leads me in all I do. My own personal somatic coaching has transformed my relationship with myself, and that expansiveness affects my interpersonal relationships. Professionally, I first studied bodywork and have continued to follow my curiosities through many healing modalities. A four year training with the Feldenkrais Method set a foundation for awareness and functional change, and then studying one and one and through workshops with the Strozzi Institute, I went deeper into leadership embodiment. A certification at the Embody Lab focused more on attachment theory through many different somatic practices including Inner Relationship Focusing. Presently, I am furthering my education through the ICF certification process. Following my curiosities and intuitive knowing is essential as I continue to self-educate and grow.
What is my philosophy on the role of a coach?
I believe that we all experience life from our point of view, and because that view guides our experience, only you can truly lead your life. I wish to hold a safe space, let you know I'm open to connection, and offer suggestions if it feels right. I believe we have an innate knowing, and that our body's sensation was our first language. Getting back to our body brings us to who we are and what we want at our core.
How do you get started?
Experiencing the work provides more than words. Please contact me for a no-cost introductory session to see if you would like to explore further. I look forward to holding space for you to connect to your body to create the change you wish to embody.
Single session rate for $150, and as your commitment may be more focused on consistency, package rates are available. 5 session package for $600 or 10 session package for $1000. More regular sessions mean change occurs more quickly and your purpose becomes more clear.
“Trauma compromises our ability to engage with others by replacing patterns of connection with patterns of protection.' -Stephen Porges
How does your body guide you in your life?
What new embodiment will transform you?
How do you know what matters to you?
Your body, Your image:
What will a coaching session be like?
I am here to facilitate you to connect to your body, notice sensation, and offer somatic practices so that you can create a practice that holds the space for you to embody your commitment.
What influences the work?
My personal healing journey leads me in all I do. My own personal somatic coaching has transformed my relationship with myself, and that expansiveness affects my interpersonal relationships. Professionally, I first studied bodywork and have continued to follow my curiosities through many healing modalities. A four year training with the Feldenkrais Method set a foundation for awareness and functional change, and then studying one and one and through workshops with the Strozzi Institute, I went deeper into leadership embodiment. A certification at the Embody Lab focused more on attachment theory through many different somatic practices including Inner Relationship Focusing. Presently, I am furthering my education through the ICF certification process. Following my curiosities and intuitive knowing is essential as I continue to self-educate and grow.
What is my philosophy on the role of a coach?
I believe that we all experience life from our point of view, and because that view guides our experience, only you can truly lead your life. I wish to hold a safe space, let you know I'm open to connection, and offer suggestions if it feels right. I believe we have an innate knowing, and that our body's sensation was our first language. Getting back to our body brings us to who we are and what we want at our core.
How do you get started?
Experiencing the work provides more than words. Please contact me for a no-cost introductory session to see if you would like to explore further. I look forward to holding space for you to connect to your body to create the change you wish to embody.
Single session rate for $150, and as your commitment may be more focused on consistency, package rates are available. 5 session package for $600 or 10 session package for $1000. More regular sessions mean change occurs more quickly and your purpose becomes more clear.
“Trauma compromises our ability to engage with others by replacing patterns of connection with patterns of protection.' -Stephen Porges