Science shows that being vaccinated or unvaccinated doesn’t make someone inherently healthy or unhealthy. Because those who are vaccinated can still get infected, can still transmit the disease, and can still have breakthrough infections, I will continue to wear a mask and all clients are expected to wear masks as well until the health department releases the mandate for all. When the mask mandates are lifted for all, just let me know if you'd prefer we still mask.
My general protocols include diligently washing my hands and keeping all surfaces and materials clean and sanitized. Additionally, I ask that clients provide their own sheets - 2 sheets and a pillowcase. Please provide a well ventilated room, an air purifier, or open windows to provide the best air quality in the space we work. Please feel welcome to cancel even if last minute due to symptoms of disease or concerns. Health is my number one priority, and all I do is in alignment with my commitment.
I am taking a stand for personal autonomy, so I decline to answer questions on my vaccination status. This medical decision has become divisive and over simplified which is not in alignment with my practice. At a time when peoples’ commitments to their health and the health of others are being challenged, I feel the need to stand with the complexity that is good health. Good health is not one size fits all, and the medical decisions one discerns and makes must align with their individual health history, their personal experience, and informed consent.
May your body be a safe, dignified, and connected home for you. I look forward to bringing you relaxation and healing.